Review Products for us!

Aikoa are looking for bloggers and video reviewers to review the newest products from our shop! Apply now if you have a blog or YouTube channel that focuses on fashion or beauty. Every month we will pick a few reviewers who will get a chance to review new items from our selection.

Apply now by sending an email to with the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Your Email Address
  • Your country
  • Full URL/address to your blog / channel.
  • Short description of your blog / channel & the number of followers or subscribers you have.
  • Please describe the type of review you would create and let us know if you have unique ideas or style.
  • On which social media channels do you usually promote your posts? Please include the full URLs to each one.
Each month we will pick a few reviewers based on the relevance and quality of the blog or channel. There are no specific requirements for the number of followers or subscribers. The chance of being picked is higher if your blog or channel looks nice and is relevant to Aikoa and has great original content.

The reviewers are expected to create an original and informative video or blog post with good pictures of the products. We also ask each review to include a links to the AIkoa homepage and Social Media pages. The review should be published within 7 days of receiving the items. Please remember to send us a link once it's published! We also expect the reviewers to share the post or video on other social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. We will also post selected reviews to our social media sites to spread the message to all our followers!

*Unfortunately we cannot choose everyone as we are inundated with requests. Maybe your blog or channel is too new and has too few followers, it is not relevant to fashion or beauty, or we just have too many applications waiting in line.*